Friday, May 10, 2013

"I love you."... "I know."

Three years ago James and I cuddled in bed watching the wedding of Jim and Pam from The Office. I was feeling especially nostalgic. I have a special soft spot in my heart for elopement because James and I shamelessly eloped ourselves one night almost eight years ago. During the commercial break I rolled over to my beloved and asked which Office couple he thought we were. Since Jim and Pam are supposed to be a general everycouple that was the answer I expected. Instead without skipping a beat he said "Dwight and Angela."

I maybe hit him with my pillow.

And yes. Maybe we are a little bit like Dwight and Angela. After all I do enjoy creepy photos of babies playing the saxophone and we do have an irrigation themed room in our home. (The other two are America and Nighttime -- please say you remember Dwight's Bed and Breakfast!)

Over the years I have mulled over his answer and even accepted it. Accepted it that is until I found another  fictional couple that perhaps reflects our relationship a little bit better than Dwight and Angela.

If anything, we are Princess Leia and Han Solo.


To tell you the truth I didn't even know about this hidden gem of a love story within the original Star Wars movies until a couple years ago. I remember they ended up together from when I watched the movies as a teen, but I just thought it was like every old musical I'd ever seen where they have to throw some random marriages together or it's not a happy ending. Yes, for your information I do understand every musical theater reference that Seth Macfarlane can throw at me. Then I groan and cringe.

As someone who has been married for a long time, it was shocking to see how well the screenwriter knew the kind of relationship I would one day have. Especially when Princess Leia, in one final act of goodbye and desperation, tells Han Solo that she loves him as he sinks into his carbonite prison. His response? "I know."

I feel it's definitely most accurate to every day life for us -- we banter and trade sarcastic comments much the same as this fictional couple do throughout the original Star Wars trilogy. And then we kiss. Banter, kiss, repeat. Such is the cycle of our marriage, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing is more comfortable than our daily rhythm of "I love you" and the inevitable "I know."

 James is a great guy and just enough of a scoundrel to keep things interesting. For the record, I would totally  put up an energy field to keep him at the Rebel base on Hoth.

By the way ladies and gents, please check out this Princess Leia and Han Solo themed inspiration on Green Wedding Shoes. Because if we got married again tomorrow, that would be our theme. One hundred percent.

Meg Ruth Photography

Have a great day. And may the force be with you!

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