Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Photo Safari: Visit to Cataldo Mission

My husband's parents are some of the coolest people you will ever meet. Not only are they generous, kind, and loving but they are also adventurers. James will tell the story of a car trip where they took a three hundred mile detour just because he said "Hey dad, that looks like a cool bridge over there, doesn't it?" My in-laws, Kay and B.Jay, will take their time going places and explore something new. It takes us about five hours to come home from Seattle, but they will take eight or nine and really stop and see what's out there.

One of my major goals is to do what they do and see more of the world (they are going to Norway this year!) both locally and globally. So yesterday James and I tripped out to the Cataldo Mission for the first time since my fourth grade field trip. I don't remember much of that trip except for what I had for lunch that day. I remember finishing a whole soda, a big accomplishment for ten-year-old me. :)

For those of you not familiar the Sacred Heart Church in Cataldo Mission State Park is one of the oldest buildings in the state of Idaho. The local natives helped to build the church, and it is a beautiful slice of history in the Silver Valley.

Brides who are still looking for a venue: you can get married here! :)

There was a little museum on the property that had a bunch of really cool artifacts from Belgium (Where Father DeSmet, the man who helped build the Sacred Heart Church, was from).

Down near the river there was a little cemetery where settlers were buried. 

The quiet hush at the riverside was a great place for reflection. It was so peaceful and quiet. 

 We walked back up the hill and made our way into the church.

Some of the original vestments were on display. I loved the red one. It really stood out amidst the wattle-and-daub walls.
The paint in the ceiling was tinted with blueberries. Even a hundred and fifty years later, it's still vivid. 

I loved all of the vintage bottles that the people re-creating the parish had put into the kitchen. They were definitely drool-worthy. I just love vintage things that are beautiful and have a history. :)

This statue of the Madonna and Child caught my eye. There's just something about the peace in Mary's face that touched my heart.

I loved all of the statuary in the parish house chapel. The painstaking detail just left me in awe.

The Cataldo Mission and Sacred Heart Church were so beautiful to visit and if you're in the area I highly recommend a trip out there. :) Here's to many more adventures to come. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Difference Between Success and Failure

A few years ago I was an aspiring photographer. You might have said I was successful. I had weddings and shoots. You might have said I was a failure. I didn't enjoy what I did because I did nothing but compare. I only saw my weaknesses. I pushed away people who might have helped me to succeed. I say "aspiring" because a few years later looking back I missed the point.

For a long time I had the "If only I..." disease.

If only I had this certain blog template.

If only I had this certain camera model.

If only all my lenses had the tell-tale red ring of the Canon L-series.

If only more people would comment on my blog or Facebook. 

...only then will I have made it.

I thought it was about things. Or shooting at specific places. Or charging a certain number. I'll be honest when I say my aspirations were low when it comes to all those things.

And I let it suck me down.

I was hurting. I was lonely. I felt like a big failure. And truly I had missed the point. I had failed. And then we moved to Kellogg and I thought all of it was over. Surely now my days commuting to Spokane for shoots were done and no one would ever hire me again.

Instead I felt like God was using that move to say "Take some time off."

So I did.

It was hard. I wanted to go back to my old ways so much. I promised to serve Him better, not to idolize likes or comments or inquiries or whatever it was that had me going that day.

But as time passed God healed my emotional wounds and worked on me more. And He said "The point is not what you want. It's what I want. It's about loving Me and loving people."

And so I repented. I had missed the point because I had focused all of my business goals on numbers and on things and in doing so missed the reason God gave me the opportunity to do it in the first place. My goals should be about loving and serving. Not about me.

Then Josh and Beca came into my life. Josh against all odds reached out via my Facebook page which had eighteen fans (all family members I might add). God has renewed and redeemed this part of my life which once only contained fear, regret, and an emotional wasteland. He has watered it with streams in the desert and He has been so good to me.  

So today I want to say a big heartfelt thank you to Beca and Josh, Tiffany and Marshall, Amy and Neil, Courtney and Breanne. All the people who have chosen me to photograph them so far and those who will in the future. Thank you for allowing me to glorify God through my work and the opportunity to love and serve you. It means the world to me. 

I have learned the difference between success and failure is one thing. Love. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spring is finally here!

I was out on a walk in my neighborhood today and noticed that spring is here without a doubt! I was so excited that I grabbed my camera and started snapping some pictures. 

Dandelions are in bloom everywhere. Right now they feel more like a flower and less like a weed. Plus it's cottonwood that sparks my allergies, so they can bloom away. :)

The pink tinge on apple blossoms is always a welcome reprieve from the cold gray of winter.

I maybe got a little excited about this one, ran off the trail, and began snapping pictures the instant I spotted this shiny red beauty. Oh I love vintage cars!

People are already planting their gardens. This was just too pretty to pass up. :)

We have a little babbling brook on our trail and getting a quick photo soon turned into a few minutes as I mastered a new photography technique using a slow shutter speed to capture water that looked more blurred. Nailed it! Thank you Lord!

The final reason that I know it's spring is that the lilacs are starting to come out to play.

Since they're not in full bloom these babies make me all the more excited for Courtney and Breanne's shoot at Manito park early next week.

Happy Spring everyone!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Amy and Neil are Getting Married | Coeur d'Alene Idaho Engagement

A few years ago playing Rock Band I heard a song that mentioned something very true. The songs you grow to like never stick at first. So it was for Amy and Neil. Amy had a friend who kept telling her how awesome Neil was and Amy kept putting the suggestion on the back burner. Finally they went out and it was just kismet. Perfect. Amy couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

Things felt so comfortable with Neil, just like snuggling under a blanket warm from the dryer. So when Neil asked her to marry him after a delicious Italian repast at one of their favorite restaurants, Amy had no other answer than "Yes!"

Amy and Neil are awesome people who love their family. They wanted their whole household to be included in their shoot so we started off at their place and had some fun with their dogs before heading to downtown Coeur d'Alene to spend some time along City Beach.

It's not a real family portrait without their house or mine!

While Neil is a guy's guy for sure, he has such a heart for his bride-to-be. It was incredible to witness. :)

We had so much fun including their (now thirteen-year-old) daughter Rhiannon in a few of the pictures. These three are such a great family together. :)


Isn't Amy gorgeous? I think her eyes and smile really shine out her personality here.

Neil is a super casual guy. Focusing on his personality for a moment here. He is awesome, and also has the same obsession with energy drinks that I do. Red Bull for me, Monster for him.

Everyone was excited for this picture. You know how teens can be sometimes? I know I did this at my parents at least once. Thanks for being awesome, Rhiannon.

Amy, Neil, and Rhiannon -- it was so great to be able to photograph the three of you and I am really looking forward to photographing all three of you at the fabulous Blackwell House come September!  

Friday, May 10, 2013

"I love you."... "I know."

Three years ago James and I cuddled in bed watching the wedding of Jim and Pam from The Office. I was feeling especially nostalgic. I have a special soft spot in my heart for elopement because James and I shamelessly eloped ourselves one night almost eight years ago. During the commercial break I rolled over to my beloved and asked which Office couple he thought we were. Since Jim and Pam are supposed to be a general everycouple that was the answer I expected. Instead without skipping a beat he said "Dwight and Angela."

I maybe hit him with my pillow.

And yes. Maybe we are a little bit like Dwight and Angela. After all I do enjoy creepy photos of babies playing the saxophone and we do have an irrigation themed room in our home. (The other two are America and Nighttime -- please say you remember Dwight's Bed and Breakfast!)

Over the years I have mulled over his answer and even accepted it. Accepted it that is until I found another  fictional couple that perhaps reflects our relationship a little bit better than Dwight and Angela.

If anything, we are Princess Leia and Han Solo.


To tell you the truth I didn't even know about this hidden gem of a love story within the original Star Wars movies until a couple years ago. I remember they ended up together from when I watched the movies as a teen, but I just thought it was like every old musical I'd ever seen where they have to throw some random marriages together or it's not a happy ending. Yes, for your information I do understand every musical theater reference that Seth Macfarlane can throw at me. Then I groan and cringe.

As someone who has been married for a long time, it was shocking to see how well the screenwriter knew the kind of relationship I would one day have. Especially when Princess Leia, in one final act of goodbye and desperation, tells Han Solo that she loves him as he sinks into his carbonite prison. His response? "I know."

I feel it's definitely most accurate to every day life for us -- we banter and trade sarcastic comments much the same as this fictional couple do throughout the original Star Wars trilogy. And then we kiss. Banter, kiss, repeat. Such is the cycle of our marriage, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing is more comfortable than our daily rhythm of "I love you" and the inevitable "I know."

 James is a great guy and just enough of a scoundrel to keep things interesting. For the record, I would totally  put up an energy field to keep him at the Rebel base on Hoth.

By the way ladies and gents, please check out this Princess Leia and Han Solo themed inspiration on Green Wedding Shoes. Because if we got married again tomorrow, that would be our theme. One hundred percent.

Meg Ruth Photography

Have a great day. And may the force be with you!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Kellogg Idaho Engagement: Beca and Josh

It all started as water cooler chat. "My son doesn't have anyone to attend singles group with, will you go?" Beca was more than happy to oblige a friend and coworker -- Josh's dad. Her big heart and sweet spirit reached out to this lonely soul in need of fellowship -- until they met up to ride to the church group together. She quickly discovered  Josh was a great guy who could set anyone at ease and that he didn't have anyone to go with because... he was residing in Oregon when the invitation was made. 

As peals of laughter settled into friendly conversation something sparked in both of them and soon they were spending every available moment in each other's company. Sweet romance began to bud and one day a bloom finally appeared along their path. An early red rose and a sparkling diamond ring accompanied Josh's proposal as they walked the dog up the hills surrounding Kellogg. 

Beca and Josh are marrying in the Spokane, Washington Latter-Day Saint temple. It's a day that promises family bonds and everlasting love. 

Their engagement session took place in Kellogg -- part of North Idaho's scenic Silver Valley, resplendent with snowy mountain peaks and rolling fog. 

We were spared rain and instead graced with the ambient glow of clouds. Clouds act as a diffuser for sunlight and can be an ideal natural light shooting situation. :-)

Beca and Josh had so much fun on this shoot. :) They are so spirited and sweet.

We moved a little further into town and found this gorgeous orange door waiting for us. They do not make 'em like that anymore. Actually, they are starting to. And that makes me want to do a happy dance. :)

I just had to include pictures of the ring and the witness to the engagement...Beca's dog Penny. She was so well behaved and all I wanted to do was pet her. I am a dog mom, after all. :)

I am so thankful for Beca and Josh. They encouraged me to get out there and do what I love as an artist and I will be forever grateful to them for that. :) Beca and Josh, I wish you a lifetime of happiness together!

To see more of Beca and Josh's engagement shoot, watch the slideshow. :)

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Reasons to hire a makeup artist

Welcome to the first edition of Wedding Wednesday -- once or twice each month I will be sharing some of the knowledge I have gained over time about weddings. Crafts, planning, you name it. :) Enjoy!

A lot of us ask "Why should I hire a makeup artist on my wedding day when I do my own makeup every day on my own and look just fine?" A makeup artist is an expert who can help you create and define a look for your day, providing both the tools and the peace of mind that you look amazing on your wedding day. 

Consultations help define your look. If you have a look in mind for your wedding day, a makeup artist can help you take your ideas and put them altogether for your makeup. Having a trial run beforehand also helps you feel more confident in how you will look, which coincidentally is great for an engagement shoot. :) You won't feel lost in putting on your makeup for the day and the artistry in your makeup is just one more thing off your plate.

Makeup artists are experts. They have skills in lighting and they know that your makeup has to be maybe a notch more dramatic to read better on camera or perhaps in the candle lit church where you are saying your vows. A makeup artist is usually certified to do his or her job and has plenty of samples and creative experience. You won't have to worry about under-applying or over-applying your makeup on the day of your wedding and instead you can relax and enjoy being pampered.

Makeup artists have the tools. They have all the makeup, brushes, and tools to make you look amazing. That saves you money, time, and stress since you don't have to shop for wedding day makeup. I know when I am out shopping for makeup sometimes I run into something that doesn't quite work out for me for whatever reason and a makeup artist has everything he or she needs to make you look amazing -- no expensive trips to department stores necessary. :)

Peace of mind. Trusting your makeup to a professional should be as common as trusting a hairstylist on your big day. The reasoning is exactly the same -- creating a certain look and making sure that look will last. Airbrush makeup and waterproof mascara and eyeliner professionally applied last longer and create better results on camera and help you relax as you prepare.

The last reason is that you feel better when you feel pampered. I know I do. You will have an extra spring in your step and twinkle in your eye because you feel extra beautiful and kind of smile and inner self confidence is something that can't be matched. :)

The awesome makeup artist pictured above is my friend Shasta Hankins. She is an amazing artist. To learn more about her and the services she offers, click here.