Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Makes Great Bokeh

This weekend  after church James and I realized we were hungry and headed for the nearest source of sustenance -- Sam's in Kellogg. Their breakfast burritos are absolutely legendary, and the lighting wasn't so bad either. :) Actually it was great and I could have shot in that northern window light all day

Many of my portraits of myself are either silly or unattractive because I usually aim the camera at myself and just let the shutter go. Your standard dorky self portrait. I need to do better about that and decided I wanted a cute one so I did the settings up and handed James the camera.

Clearly I need to teach James the trick I learned from my last Jasmine Star seminar -- One focus point always on the eye makes a gorgeous image when shooting wide open portraits. Otherwise it just becomes bokeh. Bokeh is anything that is not the central focus of the image and is always blurry. I make great bokeh. :) Don't I?

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