Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Notes from a snow day

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The snow has continued. While warm weather has flirted with us here in the mountains, we are not there quite yet. Yesterday the snow piled up coating everythung like a thick layer of powdered sugar.
 I spent the day cuddled up in bed with James and the dogs, catching up on the geeky History Channel shows we're watching together -- Vikings and The Bible -- and just relaxing.
Our day in bed involved some delicious baked macaroni and cheese and staying in our pajamas all day. I am learning to crochet so I laboriously eked out a few stitches. I normally knit but I am trying to make my brain learn something new. I am sure that eventually double crochet will come second nature but for now it requires a lot of thought. But even though it's hard for me right now that doesn't mean I plan on giving up. Because I'm a scrapper. Or I guess determined might be a better word for it.
Yes. I'm determined.

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