Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jen Stovern's Clean Day

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Today I cleaned. I am not a neat freak by any means but my house felt like a mess of epic porportions. It looked kind of epic too since great mountains of laundry loomed all around, vast and sinister as the dust bunnies lurked under the bed. I used to love watching a show called Clean House a few years ago because those laundry piles made mine look miniscule. But I really needed to wrangle the mayhem and foolishness today. 

 I have been sick for a while and if you've ever been sick you probably know the drill. Whatever yuck feeling you have starts setting in and you brush it off. "Oh, I'm just tired and I'll do the laundry tomorrow." That escalates and starts turning into "When I feel better I'll catch up," which finally ends in fantasies about hospitalization and lots of Jell-O and the mantra becomes "If I ever recover I will..." Well maybe not that far. But you get the idea. :-) So today before my first client meeting of the year I made sure my house was tidy. "Are they coming here?" my husband James wanted to know. No, as a matter of fact they weren't. But I wanted to reclaim my house for myself. Just to say that I could. It felt very good to change the wax in my Scentsy warmer and put new sheets on the bed and to evict the dust bunnies.

And then once the laundry was washed and the floors swept I maybe began to wonder how many cleaning products I could stack one on top of the other...

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The answer is four. The Febreze fell over.

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